Frequently Asked Questions about Encore Productions & Programs

  • We at Encore consider each production as an educational experience for each young performer who joins us and because of that we always try to hire the best and most suitable mentors, teachers and team to assure the best experience possible. These mentors, teachers directors, choreographers etc…require fair payment and often times travel from great distances to join our team for a window of time.

    In addition there are of course fees to pay for the theater, sets, costumes and marketing and promotion. All of this requires the funds we acquire through registration fees as well as external fundraising and community support.

    Although Encore is in the theatrical production business, we don’t consider ourselves a children’s theater but rather an educational program where youth can learn life skills such as teamwork, empathy, communication and confidence.

  • That will depend on the Production Team and the Stage Manager to determine when performers are required for rehearsal. As a rule we ask all performers to plan on being present at every rehearsal unless otherwise dismissed.

  • The time commitment varies depending on the show. For our Junior Musical Theater Camps, the commitment is for a one-week camp. For full-scale productions, such as Beauty and the Beast, Newsies, or A Christmas Carol, the commitment can extend up to 8-9 weeks, including performances.

  • The participation fee does not cover the cost of performance tickets. Encore strives to keep ticket prices affordable, making it possible for family and friends to attend multiple performances. Additionally, we periodically offer ticket promotions because these talented performers deserve a great audience and a full house!

  • No worries! Encore aims to include as many participants as possible. To support this goal, we offer full and partial scholarships. You can apply for scholarships here.

  • Yes of course!! We always appreciate additional help. Contact us today if you are interested in volunteering, helping backstage or in any other way!

  • Producing a performance involves various considerations that differ between programs. Key factors include staffing requirements, staff experience, and the production level—whether it needs extensive props and set pieces or a minimalist approach with just a rock and a table. Another crucial aspect is space; since we primarily rent venues for classes, auditions, rehearsals, and performances, the duration and size of the space needed can vary, impacting the overall cost.

    We are committed to fair and consistent pricing, offering scholarships and multi-child discounts for families in need of financial assistance. Please contact us to learn more!

    Multi Child Discount information

    Scholarships information