We communicate exclusively through BAND moving forward. Please download the APP onto your phone now and then Click here to join BAND There will be messages sent updating the schedule and other important costume information and you will need to check BAND several times a day during the rehearsal process. 

Contract and Expectations
Please read, sign and return by the first day of rehearsal. You can access that here.

Mandatory Parent informational Video
You will receive a parent information video from our production staff on BAND. Please view it and respond on BAND that you have seen it.

We will expect you to be at every rehearsal unless you have listed a day that is a conflict. The casting will be done based on the conflicts you gave us at auditions.

Participation fees
Here is the link to pay the $225 participation fee plus a $20 admin and tshirt fee: $245 Total  Please pay as soon as you can to reserve your spot.


(These fees make it possible to hire our professional production teams, rent the performance facility, pay for the rights to Disney, etc.)

If you are in need of a scholarship please fill out this form and we will contact you! 

Encore Scholarship Application


March 19th - May 1st
Monday-Friday 6:30-9:00 pm
Saturdays 9:00- 12:00 pm
at the Electric Theater.


May 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 & 9
at the Electric Theater

Get your tickets here!

Sensory Friendly Performances

As of December 2023 Encore has started to offer Sensory Friendly Performances for friends and families in our community who has unique sensory needs. We ask our Beauty and the Beast cast and team to participate in this special experience. These special performance dates will be announced after rehearsals have begun.

To learn more about Encore’s Sensory Performances click here.

Please take a minute to fill out our class policies form. This is so we have all of your information in case there is an emergency. 

Encore Event policies/Emergency information

At auditions you received a packet of information that needs to be completed and returned on the first day of rehearsal. This will be available on BAND the first week of rehearsal.

What to wear
For each day of rehearsal, have your child wear comfortable clothes they can dance in and black jazz shoes (they'll need these for the performance).  They should also bring a water bottle and a small snack they can eat during the short break we'll have each day.

Thank you for coming prepared!

Volunteers needed
We need volunteers! Please sign up for at least one volunteer spot so we can all help this show run as smoothly as possible. The volunteer sign up will be available on BAND the first week of rehearsals.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us: 435-414-0049