Support Encore! every time you shop at Smith's. Signing up is free and easy!
Sign into your digital account or choose
"Create an Account" and fill in the information.
Link your Rewards Card to your organization:
Enter your Encore’s organization number: FX830
or at least 3 letters of your organization's name and click 'Search', select the organization and choose 'Save'.
Then, every time you shop at Smith's with your Rewards Card, they donate 0.5% of your total order to Encore!*
What purchases qualify? Just about everything you purchase during your regular shopping trips! The only exclusions are alcohol, tobacco, postage stamps, Smith's Gift Cards, re-loadable Gift Cards and debit cards, lottery and promotional tickets, Western Union, fuel and sales tax.
There's no cost to participate in this program, and you'll still earn fuel points on eligible purchases every time you shop!